Have you ever been so saturated in sin that you began to believe there was no way for you to ever ask for forgiveness and rebuild the relationship with God?
In your rebellion, he can/will leave you to your own devices of sin; yet, in his sovereignty, mercy and grace, will run to you when you turn back to him. It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit which redirects our hearts toward Jesus.

Lord, desaturate me; drain this technicolour darkness from my veins. Spirit, replenish me; fill me with the freedom found in the great name of Jesus. Remove the scales from my eyes, shatter the hardness of my heart. Desaturate how I’ve been desensitized; desaturate what I’ve become to you, Jesus. Lead me out from these shadows, to the substance of You. When I cling to these shadows, my life slips through, away from Jesus, Lord Jesus.