Has it almost been over a year and half since the world seemingly stopped because of COVID? During this season, there were periods where it seemed like time merely paused yet kept on moving, where one day kept bleeding into the next, then into the next month, and then next year…
This is a song about that cognitive disconnect, when reality feels like a mere simulation which we can choose to terminate and “wake up”. Yet, we are reminded that this life is just a light temporary affliction and a fractal reflection of what is to come; that this place is not our home; that an eternity of glory awaits where there will be no more tears, nor pain, nor suffering.

Is this just a simulation before real life begins? If I lose the power to go on, is there no hope at all for me? Street by street, the lights are growing dimmer, and the Lie of True Clarity by living in Darkness reverberates in this cell. There is no fog within the Truth; freedom has already been won (by blood). My debts already paid; wrongs made right. This life is real, though only temporary; Eternity calls, yet for how long (is beyond my time)?