- 1 Cor 6:9
- the cross and the resurrection go hand in hand
- cross without resurrection is just another dead person
- resurrection without cross is an accomplishment of nothing
- without the cross, we were defined by sin
- we were once lost but now we’re found in Christ
- 3 metaphors to describe God’s transforming grace, with “but” underscoring everything
- but you were washed
- but you were sanctified
- butĀ you were justified
I was once characterized by sin but now I’m…
- …scrubbed clean by the righteous blood of Christ
- hope of Gospel is old made new, dead made alive
- how do we remove the stain of sin from our human condition?
- the damage of sin always affects who we are
- 4 ways we try to deal with sin:
- Deny it
- “I’m not a dirty glass”
- believing something to be true doesn’t make it true…
- Compare it with others
- “I’m not as dirty as other glasses”
- still dirty
- God compares us to himself
- Mask it
- Making others think we’re more righteous than we are
- Replace it
- “doing enough good outweighs the bad”
- regardless of the good done, bad still remains!
- Deny it
- the stain of sin can only be washed by God
- cleans us from the inside out to be the original usage
- Tit 3:5; washed clean and regenerated
- righteous blood of Jesus is most powerful detergent for our sin
- …made holy by the perfect life of Christ
- manifestation of sin is unique for each of us, but also the same
- perfect life of Jesus is foundational to being our substitute
- Mt 4; Jesus succeeded in obeying God where Adam and Israel failed
- required to live eternally with God
- life of sanctification and perfect obedience
- 2 Cor 5:21; our perfect replacement
- we are then filled with His righteousness
- …declared innocent by substituting death of Christ
- “justified” = declared innocent
- we stood guilty and condemned
- there is no such thing as “forgive and forget”
- God must execute justice due to His righteousness, else he is not the right judge
- God is also merciful and right
- the answer is the Gospel; Jesus hung in our place
- infinite payment required for sin
- eternal hell for our finite existence
- highlights need for Jesus as infinite payment
- Rom 4:22-25
- we are never our full life potential until we are found in Christ and brought back to the Father’s house
- the 3 words are doneĀ to you, not by yourself
- by the name of Jesus and Spirit of God
- “justified” = declared innocent