- Acts 26
- refuse to quit!
- why does Paul push forward rather than give up?
- he knew what he believed was true and essential to living
- we’re waiting for something radical and life changing…but we already have it in Jesus
- What do we offer? We offer the hope of…
- A resurrected life (1-9)
- the real issue is proclamation of resurrection
- massive implication for humanity
- v1-3: passionate plea to be heard not just intellectually but to get a heart response
- wants Agripa to see hope of resurrection
- v6: appealing to Agripa; unpacked the scriptures
- resurrection upholding the OT, not abolishing it!
- the Messiah and kingdom has come!
- 2 Sam 7; king conquering forever must first conquer death
- concept of resurrection reminds us of need to be brought back to life
- death is our present reality
- we were meant for eternity
- Ecclesiastes, “…eternity in our hearts…”
- reminder: there is more to life than life
- eternal reality exists for all; eternal life and light vs eternal death and darkness
- we live for the present and forget about the eternity
- does this drive your heart???
- resurrection tells us of our present
- 1 Pet 1:3-4
- “born to living hope”; we know there is hope for here and now, as well as eternity
- 1 Pet 1:3-4
- the real issue is proclamation of resurrection
- A redeemed life (10-18)
- resurrection makes possible hope of redemption
- your personal story is always important; its power should be dismissed regardless of how radical it may/may not be
- v15: we are stopped dead in our tracks
- “kick against the goads”: struggle of beast of burden (i.e. horse being poked by rider)
- futile and determined resistance to a stronger power
- God bringing us to direction but we fight against it stubbornly
- when we resist God’s direction in our life, it is detrimental and futile
- sometimes resistance/rejection is passive (apathy) or active (willful)
- why unmoving?
- Jesus called Paul directly for new purpose in life
- called him to be representative; all of s are to be reps of Christ
- can’t offer reality without experiencing it yourself; if you have experience, you must share it as a blessing!
- Jesus called Paul directly for new purpose in life
- redemption: deliverance by purchase
- justice must be maintained, by receiving payment through Christ’s sacrifice
- you can’t work off the debt, ever
- the Gospel wipes out our debt and fills us to the max; through faith alone in Christ alone…
- Col 2:12-14
- justice must be maintained, by receiving payment through Christ’s sacrifice
- we now have a seat at his table
- when you are redeemed, are you excited to bring others to his table???
- A reconciled life (19-23)
- to be reconciled is to be in right relationship with God
- no longer a rebel; now a servant of God
- sin pushes you in an opposite direction, we bump into God as we resist him
- when we are reconciled we turn away from sin and journey with Christ toward God
- v20: “I have the help that comes from God”
- 2 Cor 5; we are ambassadors for Christ…
- Are you compelled by the reality that you’ve been redeemed?
- to be reconciled is to be in right relationship with God
- A reclaimed life (24-32)
- the faith is rational, but irrational to minds eroded by sin
- you need to discern when the Spirit is working in someone and confront their heart directly to accept the Gospel
- v29: “You can set me in chains, but I have been set free by the Gospel!”
- reclaimed life = one given over to the one who has rightful control over us
- we need to be a Christ Follower, not a Me Follower
- are you surrendered to your master?
- our world is like the audience Paul faced; we need to proclaim Jesus as Paul did
- is your heart as stirred as Paul’s?