
2/12/2012 Sunday

The Fight for Every Inch of Advance: A Prayer Backstage Pass

Daniel 10:1-21

What would God tell us about prayer, if He was interviewed?

When you find yourself at the epicentre of very dirty conflicts…

  1. There is a great cost to commitment to receiving, delivering and living out the words of God
    • going to war with wickedness is painfully brutal…
    • in verse 2, “mourn” = “lamenting about death in family”
    • Daniel refrained from anointing himself with oil…
      • anointing was for celebration; he was refraining during the month of Passover
    • 2 Cor 1:8-11; “…but this happened so that we don’t rely on ourselves…”
  2. The Scriptural action of choice is urgent (fasting) prayer; God entrusts his richest and best stuff to the most willing and obedient heart
    • prevailing and persistent prayer; we know the Lord’s Prayer but there’s more to just the prayer alone
      • Jesus furthers in Luke 11’s parable of the neighbour and bread (ie.persist, persist, persist in prayer)
    • urgent prayer = how you dial into Divine Frequency (Daniel 10:6-9; cf Lev 6:10; Ezek 1:27; Ezek 9:2; Rev 1:7)
      • we see that Daniel 10:4-9 is similar to Acts 9’s Paul/Saul experience with Jesus
    • action that precedes divine help (Daniel 10:12-14; Heb 1:4)
    • the action required to win the conflict in the heavenly (dan 10:13; cf Eph 6:12)
  3. Human conflict is earthly fallout of cosmic warfare
    • God is at war with evil
      • “Jesus wins the battle not by killing but by dying” (Longman, p218)
      • Angels and humans are at war with wickedness together
      • God uses the persistent prayer of His people to send angels to win the cosmic skirmish needed to free up victory in the earthly setting
  • do not faint, but persist in prayer
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