
[Q] How Do You Do It?

I’ve tried to keep dating to a minimum while in school, mainly because I wanted to focus a bit more on the actual schoolwork, but I’ve also kept myself open to possibilities. At the same time, there was always the conflicting (and constantly contradicting) mindset that I can always start dating once I graduate and work in the real world (not to say that being a Research Assistant wasn’t the real world…)

After working for a week, I can totally verify that the scenario that mindset (ie. waiting to date while working) brings is absolutely difficult to maintain (IMO; while be green and fresh), and is probably borderline impossible (or at least needs a lot more effort).

I start my day by waking up just a little before 6am, which gives me enough time to check personal email, eat a quick breakfast, make my lunch, and get prepped for work. In order to get to work before my starting time of 8:30, I need to leave my place by 7 — I’m very certain I’ll have to leave even earlier once school starts again, or when it starts to snow.

After a nice day’s work, I leave the office a little after 5pm and usually get home between 6:30-6:45…throw in some dinner and I get a couple hours of R&R/Me-time starting at 8. By this point, I’m usually completely exhausted and destroyed…I need to ensure I sleep before 11, if I want to survive. One time, an acquaintance of mine mentioned that we surely have a lot more time available for us to do whatever we want/need to do, and broke it down as such:

8 hours: work
8 hours: sleep
8 hours: whatever

However, I find this pretty inaccurate based on personal experience…

Thus begs my question: How do people who spend around 12 hours a day working and doing work-related activities have time to date?

I do realize that the most time you’d be able to spend with your significant other is during the weekend, but what about throughout the week? Do you find that technological aids, such as email, SMS, IM and video-calling/mailing help you maintain your relationship in lieu of actual physical contact throughout the week?

I look forward to your insight! 🙂

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1) have girls at your beckon/in line all the time, no problem
2) date during/at work, easy
3) live closer to where you plan on socializing (I’m guessing you’re spending like 1.5 hrs traveling from home to work, and then another 1.5 hrs back, so there’s 3 hrs of your supposed 8 hrs of leisure time)
4) live on your own (my friend has her boyfriend come over after he’s done work all the time and they just chill + have dinner together)
5) combine activities (eg: you can turn dinner at home into a dinner date, or a routine trip to the mall for XYZ into a shopping date)
6) be a baller
7) ???
8) profit, or go to 1)

Mr Matthew Joyner

I am not the person you were looking for (I only work for 7.5 hours and live < 10mins from work) but I have been around the block. Also my fiancee lives in another province which adds it's own complications. 

My advice though, 
1) IM, Email, even handwritten messages, can mean a lot if you put time/effort in
2) Its not how much time time you spend together, it is how how you actually spend it. Make every min count. 
3) If she is worth it, you will find a way to maximize every minute to be with her. 

I guess my advice is not great but hard earned. 
Take care! Good luck

Peter Onate

Steward your weekends well.

Simon Sinek suggested to maximize productivity, use the phone more often than email. By doing so, not only are you saving time from emailing back-and-forth, but it also adds non-monetary value to the person you’re communicating with.


If you truly care, you’ll make time for them.

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