General Life Rants

Subjective Tasting

Taste is a subjective thing, is it not? What I mean is that each person will have their own interpretation of something, and based on their opinion, will decide if they fancy it or not. However, it is frequent for several people to acquire the same opinions toward something, and therefore have “the same taste”…

But I really wonder why some people push their tastes on others. If someone doesn’t like the taste of, say, beef (I know, audacious?), can you say things such as “You have bad taste in food.”? The statement alone, THAT is audacious!

Yet people say this all the time in other “less-defined” departments, such as the arts (music, film, visual), and decide on a person’s worth based on what they themselves deem worthy. Isn’t this absurd? Aren’t these people simply trying to get others to conform to their own standards, live by their rules, and ultimately see through only their pair of eyes (or hear through their ears), when they dare say statements like “I was amazed to see that a Chinese girl this young had ANY sense of good music”?

Please, aren’t those who try to break out of “mainstream” just making their own new set of rules for mainstream when they push everyone to follow it? How “indie” are you when “indie” is the new “mainstream”?

Taste is a subjective thing — you don’t like cheese, or any vegetables for that matter, but I won’t push you to eat it.

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cultural theorist pierre bordieu had once wrote, “taste classifies, and it classifies the classifier”. i think it applies here.

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