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- Acts 20:12-38
- Paul leaving the church of Ephesus
- there is sweetness in his farewell and a heart cry
- farewell was filled with heartfelt encouragement
- he had wrung himself out for the Ephesian church
- captures what the church ought to value most
- Acts 20:1-12
- how was Paul so committed?
- he loved God and the church more than anything else in the world
- Paul is the best example of spirit-empowered life
- Acts 19:21-41
- have you wondered what your impact and significance is in the large scope of things?
- these doubts or questions reveal lack of understanding of our identity in Christ
- we’re called to make impact in lives around us
- we need to be salt and light, and be sound of victory not defeated pessimism
- where would we be if the early church didn’t believe in the power of God to make a difference?