I originally envisioned a post-hardcore/screamo version, but I really don’t have the voice for that, nor the raw screaming energy. However, using open-D tuning and the chords I would have used for that version, we get this little cry to the Lord.

I originally envisioned a post-hardcore/screamo version, but I really don’t have the voice for that, nor the raw screaming energy. However, using open-D tuning and the chords I would have used for that version, we get this little cry to the Lord.
Original artist: Vertical Church
Here’s a newer song which has, once again, been an echo of my heart and its need to lean on the God who never fails and is never late.
I started playing around with Tracktion 7 and Cakewalk…and wow, what a difference from Audacity!
A lot to learn still, but one small step at a time!
Original artist: Tauren Wells
So much heartfelt truth in this song, reflecting upon the sovereignty of God! At our highest peaks of life, it was not by our own strength. At our darkest, deepest, loneliest valleys, we are not alone. Be encouraged: you are not alone.
I think the best version of this song is the piano one by Tauren Wells, and this cover is a huge departure from my usual style. In fact, I just might not have the voice for whatever genre this is. Is this post-rock? Alt-rock? I have no idea of the genre, please help identify!
I’ve furthered the experimentation by creating a video too! Using an Olympus TG-850 (which you’re familiar with if you’ve gone hiking/adventuring with me) for the video, I utilized Lightworks to merge video and audio together. I have never done this before…but it was pretty straight-forward! So many things to receive feedback on…