
3/28/2010 Sunday

Last night I was really contemplating whether to fall back into laziness and skip today, or follow through with the rebirth of commitment. I’m glad I followed through and caught Pastor Rick’s sermon today at Calvary Baptist.


3/21/2010 Sunday

After a while of being complacent and lazy…I went to Calvary again. It kind of helps that I almost got into a multiple car pile-up at 120km/h on Friday night…that shit is scary. I was already feeling icky with myself with regards to skipping out, and that was just a mini-wake up.

Anyway…here are the goods from today’s sermon by Pastor Rick Baker.

Christianity Life

2/7/2010 Sunday

Today I finally had the opportunity to go and hear Chris Yu speak at Hallelujah Chinese Evangelical Free Church. If you know me and my story, I hold Chris in high regard, as it was through his sermon at TC03 the Lord was revealed to me and I was saved.

I had a great time hearing God’s Word, worshiping with bros&sis at HCEFC and praying with them, as well as observing how things are done differently (or not so differently) at another church! This is probably no benefit to you, but here’s a list of people I met (and sorry if I misspelled any of their names): Kristy (gr12; future life-sci student), Isabelle (Blue Mountain Friday snowboarder), Lillian (artsy?), Dennis (TC05 planning committee person; guitar), Gary (bassist; looks a little like Derrick Fung), Anna (worship leader), Michelle (Queen’s; Jen’s female best friend), Imelda (Kristen’s school friend), Richard (The Adult That Went To High School In Oshawa), Rohanda (looks a little like Carmen Chan from high school), Ellen (guitarist), Heidi (female vox), Pastor Derek (down to earth prayers, friendly attitude), Pastor Emily (spelled my name).

Since Sunday school occurred first, I’ll put my notes from that first!