Life Media Music

[ORIGINAL] I Am Mountain, Burning

It has been a while since I was inspired and compelled to write/complete a song. For the past year and a bit I’ve had thoughts here and there, bits and pieces left in my archives, but it is amazing how conviction leads to praises and action.

This song is based on Zephaniah 3 (maybe that’s a stretch), and it felt the most appropriate to apply the judgment upon my own life. Sometimes you fall back into a state or season of depravity and rebellion, but the good news is that we are still offered the chance to repent and rebuild our eternal relationship with God! How wonderful it is that He would still choose to reach out to us even when we have cowered into the darkness! I am so thankful that He was still calling to me, placing others in my life, convicting me of truths and my Ninevehs.

I’m still a work-in-progress (um, progressive sanctification?), but I hope you can be encouraged to seek strengthening your relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Woe to me, my rebellious defiled heart; my closed ears and refusal for correction.
Woe to me, my distrust and distance.

The officials within: roaring loudly, manes flowing.
The judges: like wolves, leaving nothing till morning.
The prophets: fickle; the priests: profane.
You do not fail, yet I know no shame.

You are righteous, You’re with me, You do no injustice.
You are most fair, each dawn you do not fail.
Yet I know no shame, yet I know no shame.

Cut down this mountain, set it ablaze.
Bring me to calm pastures, lead me to graze.
Let me sing louder and louder still,
Gladness, exhaltation; may my heart You fill.

Media Music


In 2005, my friend Perry wrote a couple of poems and with his permission I chose a simple chord structure to accommodate it. The results were less than stellar, due in part to using a computer microphone and choosing to sing with a soft falsetto… After 8 years, it was time to revisit and modernise this piece which also rings true to my heart. Numerous times I’ve blogged/spoken to people about how I feel I’ve been in a constant melancholy relationship with the Lord for a long time; about how I often ask Him why he still blesses me despite all the “red in my book”. The answer, of course, is grace…and if I ever finish reading Philip Yancey’s What’s So Amazing About Grace? I’ll probably have a better understanding and appreciation, aside from praying and reading my Bible daily y’know.

Below are the lyrics (also found at Perry’s old blog), as well as both the (pretty awful) 2005 recording and the completely different 2013 attempt.

Life Media Ministry Music

[ORIGINAL] Hey! There’s The Good News!

Perhaps the final song for this upcoming Weekend22 (maybe apart from a cover or two?), this one started out with the most difficulty writing lyrics for. I started out just humming, and felt this should have been an instrumental/interlude/lyricsless song…but with encouragement and a mention of “sunshine”, the words began flowing. That, combined with a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon (to which I neglected posting my sermon notes until later)…resulted in a story about a beautiful day being met with the realization a storm is inevitable. This is continued with ascension to a high point bringing the storm into perspective, and finally an earthquake signifying the end of everything. The story concludes (or rather, truly begins) by meeting the one who kept you protected during this time, even taking all harm upon himself, telling you to spread the news…but alas, you admit that your meekness is the hindrance.

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I see the bright sunshine all around me, I feel the warmth on my skin; its surprising.
But it won’t always be so sunny, I know that there’s a storm a coming; can I still smile?

You take me up to a mountaintop to overlook the city.
The view, it takes my breath away; its mesmerizing.
But up ahead in the horizon, awfully close to Mount Zion, I see the churning clouds!

There’s lightning and thunder now, striking all around. Massive trembling in the ground — Earthquake!

I wake up to find your body protecting me.
There were scars on your hands and feet, they were bleeding.
You helped me up and told me to go back to the city, and tell everyone what has happened here on Calvary.
But I don’t know if I can do it, my tongue gets tied and I get so timid; can You still smile?