I’ve never done this before, and my hypothesis was pretty much correct from the get-go, but of course…all things techie doesn’t really go smoothly at first. This short how-to is for the ASUS WL-520GU (or all G-series?) router, tried and true on a rig running Windows XP SP3, and with an HP PSC1200. Keep on reading for the steps I took.
Category: Tech
After my dentist appointment Friday afternoon, I decided to go to Wal-Mart to pick a few things up. When I went to the electronics department to check out what steals could be had, I thought I was getting a massive steal when I noticed that BF2142 was $18.43! When I went home, I confirmed my fears that there was, indeed, a price-drop to a standard $19.99 due to the recent release of the Deluxe edition (includes Northern Strike) — I felt somewhat emo.
Nonetheless, after getting accustomed to the key-mapping in the single-play instant action, I took my chances at playing with other humans over the bast Tubes. Of course, my version was out of date, so I had to download the 330MB patch, which took me ~40mins. The installation itself took another 10-15mins. And I only had a break for 1 hour — no playing for now, not until after dinner at least. But after dinner, I decided to finish off my electronics note-taking (YES!)…so my journey into the online-world of getting owned didn’t start until 10pm or so.
…and man do I need to find a noob-friendly server, or find my friend’s IGN. BF2142 is an entirely new environment for me, compared with traditional shooters like Enemy Territory, HL2DM and Warsow. It is…considerably slower (considering in ET I can bunnyhop, and in Warsow I can hit over 1400 units/second), and quite in-depth, with respect to its class and unlock system. People don’t seem to talk much either, probably because they are too busy owning me. Looking forward to hopping back onto the Quebec server!
The Almighty Materialistic-Christmas (perhaps they should just change it to Material-mas altogether eh?) has come and gone in 2007, and I am sure some of you either got a “next-gen” console PRIOR to the Holiday madness, got one as a gift, or lined up for one on Ye Almighty Boxing Day. But…what exactly is next-gen, considering they’re all out and its in THIS-gen? Can we really say that its the next generation of gaming, graphics, performance (*cough* and pricing) when all three “next-gen” consoles are now out? Yeah, I just repeated myself, and what some tech-blogs out there are saying. And this isn’t really a rant about next-gen/this-gen consoles…because for sure, I’d be cut up and left in a pool of oxygen peroxide.
So what exactly IS this post all about?