Life Rants

5 Years…

Today is Mother’s Day, and while my family and I believe in year-round celebrations instead of just one-day things, the impact of people saying “Happy Mother’s Day!” is definitely felt anyway. 5 years. That’s how long my maternal grandma has been gone. This morning I asked my mom how she feels when Mother’s Day comes around.

Life Rants

You Have A Call

Every person has a purpose, just as every part of the Body has a function. One big problem with a lot of people nowadays is the general lack of direction in their lives, one big question mark of what their purpose is, or in the sense of a Christian, what their calling from God is (OK, I probably pulled a redundancy). Near the end of high school, you might have had one of those “What is my calling?” moments, deciding where you wanted to go to continue your education and what you should study, if you planned to continue at all. During university/college, you might have periods of time wondering if you’re in the right program, or what you should do once you graduate. Do I continue on with a Masters? Doctorate? Maybe I should get industry experience? How will I impact the world with my new skills? Jump past for more…

Life Rants Scripture

Grey Christianity: Readiness

As a Christian, there is a certain aspect of life in which we believe there should be no fear in death, since through death we would be freed from the constraints of this broken world and eventually get to Heaven. There is common belief amongst everyone, through phrases such as “They’re in a better place now” when someone we love passes on, that they are already in another place. This is not true, for they are simply resting (1 Cor. 15:20-24, Rev 20:5 ??). There are better Bible references for this, I just can’t find them at the moment, but my understanding and belief is that when you die you are simply resting, or sleeping. However, when your physical body dies, your soul no longer remains constrained by our understanding of time. In theory you could be dead for centuries but in your “slumber” have only felt it to be a minuscule amount of time.

This post is not going to talk about the aspect of death, and whether someone who is saved through Christ automatically enters Heaven upon death.