Media Music

[COVER] A Voice in the Violence

Original Artist: Wolves At the Gate

Only the Truth through Jesus, the voice which cuts through the violence of my addiction to sin, quiets my heart.

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Go check out “Eclipse”, the new powerful album by Wolves at the Gate!

Media Ministry Music

[ORIGINAL] Enter the Narrow Gate (Infinite Sleep)

In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus explains the path to eternal life, where the “gate which is narrow, and the way is hard”. To be a Christian is to suffer or struggle, but in the context that it is through the redeeming work of the cross that we have eternal victory, and therefore any struggles we do have while still alive are mere light momentary afflictions (throwback!).

I won’t lie, from early to mid-May my mental health was struggling really hard, prompting the 2nd half of this song. I contemplated the eternal, infinite sleep, thinking that it would be the better alternative to the hardships and struggles of life. Yet, this is a blatant lie! Our hope isn’t in our circumstances, nor are they in “positive vibes” or sunny dispositions; our hope is in King Jesus, the one who suffered immeasurably more, to the point of even suffering on the cross, for the atonement of sins and freedom from the infinite sleep by rising victoriously over death itself. So no, death isn’t the answer to our struggling.

Go past the jump for the lyrics, to hear/download the song, and a technical bonus.

Ministry Music

[COVER] Tremble

Original artist: Mosaic MSC

There is a name which brings peace, which calms the raging seas within our hearts.
There is a name which shines into the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
There is a name which brings forth victory over death and pain and suffering.


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