Games Tech

Next-Gen is This-Gen

The Almighty Materialistic-Christmas (perhaps they should just change it to Material-mas altogether eh?) has come and gone in 2007, and I am sure some of you either got a “next-gen” console PRIOR to the Holiday madness, got one as a gift, or lined up for one on Ye Almighty Boxing Day. But…what exactly is next-gen, considering they’re all out and its in THIS-gen? Can we really say that its the next generation of gaming, graphics, performance (*cough* and pricing) when all three “next-gen” consoles are now out? Yeah, I just repeated myself, and what some tech-blogs out there are saying. And this isn’t really a rant about next-gen/this-gen consoles…because for sure, I’d be cut up and left in a pool of oxygen peroxide.

So what exactly IS this post all about?

General Media Music

[COVER] Name

Last night I felt the urge to listen to some random Goo Goo Dolls (I think?) and I stumbled upon their acoustic version of “Name” while on Radio Blog Club. And so while in the wee hours of the night I decided to learn how this song goes…and when I woke up, I played it again quietly while people were still sleeping.

It isn’t exactly an easy or hard song to play, but the way Johnny sings was brutal at the beginning, since there was a lot of off-beat-ness…add that in with the soothing guitar ballad (PLAYED WITHOUT A PICK), and things normally get complicated fast. Honestly, I re-recorded more than 10 times because I didn’t get one part absolutely correct — even now I am not 100% pleased with the recording, but here we are.

Turns out this is a love song…hrmmmmmmm.

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Media Music

[COVER] You’re All That I Have

This is a cover of Snow Patrol’s You’re All That I Have, done in acoustic mode. I actually think I recorded this before, but never uploaded it…but here is a new updated version anyway! The music video was quite entertaining to watch, which you can find on YouTube. Lyrics and chords found at Ultimate-Guitar

When I think about it, some of Snow Patrol’s songs would be suitable for LOAH, such as this one!

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