- 1 Thes 2
- Eph 4; gifts left from Jesus include shepherds and teachers
- shepherding role include pastors, elders and overseers
- Jesus is the high shepherd and calls others to minister on His behalf
- The elder’s role: love the flock
- 1 Thes 2:7-12
- love God, love others
- must be primary motivating force
- image of mother and father parental love
- often unseen or resented in our lives…
- love cultivated by:
- loving others deeply (v7)
- like a mother nursing their child
- giving generously
- giving the Gospel is the most loving thing
- caring for others souls
- sharing truth vs sharing yourself
- pouring self out for others to guide them to the right purpose
- your heart follows what you give yourself to
- shutting others out from your time is to shut them out from your heart
- shutting others out from your time is to shut them out from your heart
- urge diligently
- be willing to share what people need to hear, rather than what they merely want to hear (v11-12)
- Prov 27:6; faithful are the wounds of a friend…
- course correction
- regularly pray (v13)
- you pray for those you love
- the more you pray for someone the more your love for them grows
- loving others deeply (v7)
- My role?
- 1 Thes 5:12-13
- reciprocal love and cherishing of one another
- should have ethos of love
- real true love, as per 1 Cor 13:4-7
- what if everyone in the church actually did that?
- The elder’s requirement: Live in the faith
- 1 Tim 4:12
- examples of righteousness and holiness
- age is not the same as spiritual maturity!
- 1 Tim 4:16; guard yourself!
- Acts 20:28; need to effectively shepherd self first
- 5 areas to set example and qualifications (1 Tim 3):
- speech
- the tongue is both a devastating weapon and helpful tool
- heal, not bruise, with your words
- no room for lax or frivolous speech
- conduct
- measure of righteousness (Titus 1:8)
- private life must match your public life!
- character is who you are when no one is looking
- desire to seek Jesus!
- love
- display loving gentleness through self-control, humility…
- faith
- be an example!
- knowledge of faith
- Word of God, doctrine, theology
- constantly growing in knowledge and understanding
- exemplifying/living the faith
- Phil 4:13
- knowledge of faith
- be an example!
- purity
- Robert M’Cheyne, “My people’s greatest need is my personal holiness”
- speech
- character is greater than gifting/competence in the Kingdom
- shortcomings of gifting is easily forgiven when abundance in character is seen
- we have different accountability than elders/shepherds, but the same standard
- Heb 13:7; difference is the elders’ responsibility
- The elder’s responsibility: lead the way
- 1 Pet 5:1-4
- spiritual responsibility of insight
- shepherding details
- 1 Tim 3:2
- 1 Tim 5:17
- Tit 1:9
- Tit 1:8
- Tit 1:10-14
- 2 Tim 2:2
- elder required to have character *and* ability to teach
- reminds of great responsibility of teaching (Jas 3:1)
- judged with greater strictness
- all elders should know how to handle the word of God
- Heb 13:17
- leaders authority is band by word of God, not people
- best way to respond is to take the word and do something with it!
- 3 Jn 4; nothing sweeter than seeing children walk in the truth
- The elder’s reliance: look to Jesus
- Mk 10:42-45
- 1 Pet 5:1-3; serve, not dominate
- servant leader found in Jesus
- look to Jesus as:
- Our pattern
- don’t look to worldly CEO’s and leaders, look to Jesus instead!
- Jn 13
- follow Him such that others see the example
- Our provision
- the closer we get to the Son, the clearer becomes our sin and shortfalls
- He is our model and mediation
- our hope is in Christ’s perfect servant-hood
- Our power
- the strong saviour gives us empowering grace
- Tit 3
- we’re most effective when we recognize our weakness
- laying of hands: affirmation and appointment of task and role
- Our pattern