- Acts 15:1-35
- the centre of the largest controversy around how someone can be truly saved
- the message is the basis of a campaign, and the campaign needs to repeat that message
- salvation in grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone
- do you believe this in your heart?
- salvation is undeserved gift from God, and opponents will try to add to this to confuse you
- salvation in grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone
When I know grace…
- …I wage war against legalism (v1-5)
- early church arguing how Gentiles are to be included in the church
- they believed grace was sufficient but added the old law to ensure salvation
- “salvation through acts” rather than “grace alone”
- how many times have you said “I need to fix x before I can come to God”?
- you need to come before Him as the true broken mess you are because through Him you are fixed and made whole!
- the Gospel frees you to approach God in your brokenness such that He can complete you!
- v2: Paul waged war on the legalism because this legalism can destroy the church
- need unity in belief of the sufficiency of grace
- need to fight the legalism in own hearts
- our natural disposition of works-based salvation
- grace confronts our desire to grow/gain God’s favour
- anything that adds/replaces grace becomes what we think saves us, as opposed to grace alone
- Preventing legalism:
- 2 Pet 3:18; grow in knowledge of the Lord (the work and life of Jesus)
- wage war against legalists
- go after those who are trapped in works-based salvation
- …I declare it as the only way (v6-18)
- v7: Peter laying it down! refers to situation in Acts 10
- external rituals vs heart of man
- sinful heart needing to be cleaned by grace of Jesus
- “putting God to test” viewed in negative in the ancient times
- questions whether God sees your sin
- Gal 5:1-4; grace saves and changes you
- v13: pivotal moment because James, as half-brother of Jesus, was distinctly Jewish, and now speaks powerfully to Jews about this issue
- clear that James had thought about this substantially because he quotes multiple parts of OT (Amos 9:12, Jeremiah, Daniel…)
- Peter and James under pressure to compromise the truth (i.e. salvation through grace alone), but remained bold to declare it
- …I love those who are different (v19-29)
- Grace changes me and the way I treat/view other people
- v22: shares unity and love for body of Christ
- embracing the truth of grace alone has huge implications for Gentiles
- how we interact and create unity within the church
- lack of unity is distracting
- love one another; Gal 5:6
- Grace allows me to embrace others’ differences
- don’t make prescription of “Christian living/lifestyle” when it is not in the Bible
- i.e. musical preferences, dress code, schooling
- God embraced us without conforming to a certain way of life
- don’t make prescription of “Christian living/lifestyle” when it is not in the Bible
- Be sacrificing for the good of others
- v20: NOT law for salvation, but rather how we interact with one another
- idolatry, sexual immorality, strangling/blood were part of the Pagan rituals the Gentiles were previously associated/familiar with
- v21: be sensitive to the Jews around them such that they don’t stumble or doubt your salvation
- because we are under grace, we can gladly restrict our freedoms for the benefit of others
- this way, we can serve those who may stumble (1 Cor 9:19-21)
- because we are under grace, we can gladly restrict our freedoms for the benefit of others
- v20: NOT law for salvation, but rather how we interact with one another
- Grace changes me and the way I treat/view other people
- …I celebrate my undeserved freedom (v30-35)
- the Gentiles rejoiced at the letter!
- understood grace given to them, therefore understood the freedom to give up their liberties for the benefit of others
- I celebrate because I am:
- free from efforts to gain my salvation
- only through Jesus and His grace are we saved
- free to live to Christ as joyful response
- free from sin and death, grace grows us to live for Christ!
- we are free from the prison of sin!
- free to proclaim freedom from sin and death
- remember we are on campaign trail for King of Kings and our message is clear: salvation is through grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone
- free from efforts to gain my salvation
- the Gentiles rejoiced at the letter!