
The Dirge of Porus

As the lone survivor, Porus Morealenowtis remembers his friends Nil, Norstaer and Tank through a dirge which recaps AWAKEN S1E6 hosted by GM TN.

The Dirge of Porus – AWAKEN S1E6

Hello; me name’s Porus.
Porus Morealenowtis, but you can call me Porus…

This here is a song dedicated to me friends Nil, Norstaer and Tank.
May they AWAKEN to a warm fire, warm food, and warm ale; you fought well, me friends.
I shant forget ye.

We AWAKENED ‘pon a shore, near a fire and a board, and we pondered which path to take.
Nil, he climbed up on a tree; hollered down, “Come, follow me”.
Four days later, we ventured to the Tower.

It was Dark, or just unclean, many steps was what I gleaned.
To the top we climbed in several hours.
Suits of armor, stood entombed.
Darknesss, chaos, soon ensued.
Til Norstaer Dispelled it through and through.

So Heroic was our Tank, with Nil at the flank — never missing, always hitting with his bow.
Bolts of lightning shot through air, cries of pain and burning hair.
Suits of armor falling rusted to the ground.

Duegar Wizard lying there; pools of blood gushed everywhere.
“So Black Tower has fallen” said he last.
Down the Tower we descend, but alas a bitter end.
4 souls entered but only 1 returned.

With the Reaper did I plea; not the Duegar, just the 3.
“Could you spare them, and just take me instead?”

I AWAKENED in the end, just I Porus, not me friends.
They live on, in memories and in song.
And this is that song…