- do you feel like nobody cares about you?
- you can defy the expectations of normalcy through the help of the Holy Spirit
- godly spirit filled responses vs normal twitch reactions
- Paul’s relationship with Jesus allows him to experience the complete control that God has in every circumstance; Jesus is his anchor
- When I feel attacked, Christ is my protector (1-5)
- understand that Christ is your protector!
- Paul is constantly trusting rather than lashing out because he knew God was his protector
- did Festus know of Jewish plan to kill Paul, and therefore tried to protect him? no real proof…
- but God was in complete control, ultimately protecting Paul
- Paul isn’t 1st servant attacked for the Gospel “unjustly”
- Joseph hasn’t had one negative thing said about him yet was faced with a lot of pain and suffering
- BUT didn’t turn bitter/angry toward God
- instead, he kept a faithful heavenly focus
- Gen 50:20
- Joseph hasn’t had one negative thing said about him yet was faced with a lot of pain and suffering
- trusting in God’s control and promise
- as long as we hold on to Jesus for dear life, we can/will trust in God’s promise
- Col 3:1-3; cling to Christ
- the things of the world will fail you
- “in Christ” = definitive statement of what a Christian is
- if you’re in Christ you’re saved and secure in the love of Christ
- When I feel afraid, Christ is my peace (6-12)
- as Festus suggests Paul return to Jerusalem, Paul could have started to feel afraid but he was peaceful and appeals to Caesar
- remember that Christ is your peace!
- Christ will hold all accountable
- rather than bitterness or helplessness, we need to recognize the futility and temporal limitations of attacks against us
- physical pain versus soul pain
- satan’s power has been stripped away by Christ on the cross!
- Spurgeon (The Right Kind of Fear), “Above all, no Christian ought to have any fear which would bring dishonor upon the truthfulness, the goodness, the immutability, or the power of God. To doubt his promise,—to suppose that he will not make it good,—this is indeed a fear which hath torment. To doubt God’s faithfulness,—to suppose that he can ever forget his children, that his mercy can be withdrawn from them, or that he will be favorable to them no more,—this also is wrong. To doubt the perseverance of the saints when God’s Word has so plainly declared that he will keep their foes, and will perfect the work which he hath begun in them,—indeed, to doubt anything that has the inspired Scriptures to support it, and to tremble in any way when your trembling arises out of a suspicion that God may change or cease to be faithful to his promises, and faithful to his Son, all that kind of fearing is to be cast far from us.”
- Paul is NOT placing hope in Caesar, he has undying faith in Christ
- there is no room for the “let go, let God” approach in life
- Paul knew he was destined to go to Rome and proclaim the gospel to Caesar, so appealing to Caesar is the best and quickest way to do so!
- Peace:
- Objective peace with God
- as we have sin, we have rebellion against God
- the only way to deal with the enmity is through Christ!
- Rom 5:1; peace with God through faith in Christ
- Col 1:19-20; peace by blood of Christ
- Experiential subjective peace
- can’t exist without objective peace
- at the cross, God took care of the greatest chaos in your life, the enmity between us and Him
- therefore, all the littler things have no real magnitude in your life
- Objective peace with God
- Jn 14:7; Jesus gives the whole, permanent peace
- Rom 6:8
- if you’re not feeling peace, you need to run back the objective peace
- set your mind on things of the Spirit; The Word
- obey God with clean conscience
- do your decisions reflect that Jesus is your Lord and Master?
- are you seeking your glory, or His?
- will your decision perpetuate peace with God, or does it lead to your own fight against Him?
- Ps 56:3; peace
- Isa 26:3; trust in the Lord
- you can’t trust God without trusting in Jesus and His promise
- When I feel anxious, Christ is my provision (13-22)
- Festus confused about why Paul is actually on trial and asks for help with the sentencing; we see many times the Roman officials consider Paul innocent, but are going with what the Jews want to a certain degree
- Agrippa clearly has some authority over the Jewish institution, being able to assign/reassign High Priests
- Acts 26:3; he clearly knows a lot about the Jewish faith/system too
- Agrippa clearly has some authority over the Jewish institution, being able to assign/reassign High Priests
- v19: Paul’s message of Christ’s resurrection is very evident, as even Festus quotes it to Agrippa
- confusion and unknowns create the greatest anxieties for us
- all anxiety is due in part because we have no control over our situation
- fully submitting to Christ removes our anxiousness
- when we rightly understand doctrine and the resurrection, we understand there’s more to life than life itself
- the Gospel reminds us that he is ultimately in control
- God has made greatest promise for you already
- Phil 4:6-7
- humble, dependent control in provision of Jesus; nothing else will do!
- Festus confused about why Paul is actually on trial and asks for help with the sentencing; we see many times the Roman officials consider Paul innocent, but are going with what the Jews want to a certain degree
- When I feel alone, Christ is my portion (23-27)
- the most powerful people in region gathered to decide about Paul; all eyes were on him
- Paul stands alone, depicting what it means to be a follower of Christ
- though the world may have everything, it is all meaningless compared to having Jesus
- Ps 73:23-26;
- cry out to have Jesus fill the void in your heart
- Give Me Jesus
- every day, may you ask the Lord to give you Jesus; your portion; your whole
- the most powerful people in region gathered to decide about Paul; all eyes were on him