- Acts 19:21-41
- have you wondered what your impact and significance is in the large scope of things?
- these doubts or questions reveal lack of understanding of our identity in Christ
- we’re called to make impact in lives around us
- we need to be salt and light, and be sound of victory not defeated pessimism
- where would we be if the early church didn’t believe in the power of God to make a difference?
When we’re embracing Holy Spirit empowerment we can…
- …change the culture with Spirit-empowered character (v21-24)
- early church is making big changes!
- Paul has intentional plan to visit and continue impact, building up the churches
- v22:
- 1 Cor 16:9; wide door in Ephesus but huge opposition
- we must blaze through when opportunity is still there!
- team effort: greatest impact is when we work together
- 1 Cor 16:9; wide door in Ephesus but huge opposition
- v23-27: industry of Ephesus was idolatry of Artemis
- Christianity was causing the economy to hurt
- when the church was strengthened, many more people become Christians and more Christians were changing their lifestyles, affecting the culture around them
- the greatest way to change the culture is to ask the Lord to dramatically change you
- regularly impact yourself first
- Rom 12:1-2
- greatest deterrent of Christian life is conformity to the world around us
- what do we invest in? what do we absorb?
- when God begins to change us, it will be distinguishable
- stopped doing things prevalent in old lives
- worshipping in error (i.e. Artemis)
- evil practices
- started worshipping in truth and abandoned sinful practices, embracing holy practices
- started seeking Godly gain
- how can we break free from the current human worships of error? (i.e. body, $, pleasure/entertainment)
- who would be out of business if Christians acted and lived like Christians?
- it is impossible to be filled with the Spirit and have sights set on the world’s desires
- …confront the culture with Spirit empowered courage (v28-34)
- mob & riot is meant to instill fear into hearts of those on the wrong side
- v29-31: Paul was willing to take the place of Gaius and Aristrarchus
- courage doesn’t excuse or encourage lack of wisdom
- [possibly unbelieving] Asiarchs tell Paul not to go into the crowd
- it takes courage to stand up for God in face of opposition and conflict
- ex: Daniel and Lion’s Den, David and Goliath
- courage doesn’t excuse or encourage lack of wisdom
- you need to be Spirit-empowered!
- To grow the spirit you need:
- clean hands (in Spiritual sense)
- Spirit growing your character and faithfulness
- direction, not perfection
- inward purity is the key to courage in Lord
- pure heart
- cleansing work of the Spirit
- actions honouring to the Lord
- are your ministry focuses to the Lord or yourself?
- strong convictions
- you won’t stand for what you don’t believe is true!
- change is by the minority, not majority
- clean hands (in Spiritual sense)
- …challenge the culture in Spirit-empowered confidence (v35-41)
- Luke always reminds us that God is in control
- Even the clerk said:
- v35; “our religion is still here, it wasn’t gone”
- v36; “these men are innocent; not guilty, and hasn’t berated us
- v38; “follow the proper legal channels”
- Government is God’s idea and He is ultimately in change and control
- v40; “YOU’RE in danger of breaking the law!”
- From the clerk’s response, we see a glimpse of Paul’s ministry style
- not blaspheming others nor maliciously attacking the beliefs of others
- persuasively evangelizing, becoming all things to all people
- compassion
- Paul saw people had need for reserve, not to be hit over the head with the Bible
- But how did he operate with compassion?
- confidence in the Gospel and Lord
- Paul & helpers didn’t have fear of this world
- believed in the sovereignty of God and that they’ll be vindicated either in this life or the next eternal one
- willing to look to the life to come, the future glory
- God is bigger than your circumstances
- the future glory is more significant than everything else in your life