- Acts 16:11-15
- God has designed the Gospel to break though every and any barrier
- In Christ all barriers between people are broken
- bridgehead is landing behind enemy lines and making a defensible foothold
- we are to break through our barrier preventing us from living for glory of Christ
- as a church, we may have barriers too…
Gaining new ground begins with…
- Being mindful of the path God is taking you (v11-12)
- historical ability of letter and remind us we’re all on a path and God is directing
- remember that Paul was being led to Troas
- “direct voyage” means the wind was on their back
- it took them 2 days to get there
- In Acts 20 we see it took them 5 days for return voyage
- “direct voyage” means the wind was on their back
- remember that Paul was being led to Troas
- Philippi had huge history and culture; was a metropolis, leading city
- fuel our future confidence in God and remind us that He always knows exactly what He’s doing
- reflect…
- how did you get where you are now?
- do you remember your time estranged or as an enemy of God?
- remember that God will use your sinful past for His glory too
- how did you get where you are now?
- historical ability of letter and remind us we’re all on a path and God is directing
- Be strategic in the place God is calling you (v13)
- why slowing down? planning, praying, preparing
- firm belief doesn’t negate the hard work, praying and planning
- 3 requirements for being strategic:
- Strategic thinking
- “we supposed…”; thoughtfulness, care, intentionality
- “if no synagogue, go to a river…”
- be thoughtful; go where people will hear us
- having people placed in our lives vs going to where people are
- “we supposed…”; thoughtfulness, care, intentionality
- Strategic timing
- “on the Sabbath day…”
- forced Gospel conversation vs organic integration
- we require proactive planning and strategy
- Strategic teaching
- “sitting and speaking…”
- Paul’s tactic was to open the Word, explain the Gospel, show promises directing to Christ
- they were tailored messages but always had the Gospel
- intentional and requires us to do the some studying of background of those we are trying to reach
- Strategic thinking
- Be faithful to the people God is bringing you (v14)
- Paul never sought the influential
- all Jewish men taught to pray to thank God they were not a Gentile or a woman
- women have HUGE role in the Gospel and ministry!
- all Jewish men taught to pray to thank God they were not a Gentile or a woman
- Remember that it’s the least likely who would have the most impact for Kingdom
- 1 Cor 1:26-29
- Remember: Salvation isn’t the work of your own doing but rather, the work of Almighty God
- God knew exactly what he was doing when He chose to save you
- Lydia: a God fearer, but Gentile
- already softened to the Gospel
- God was faithful in opening her heart
- Paul never sought the influential
- Be intentional with provision that God has given you (v15)
- Lydia’s respond to the saving work
- evidence of change: desires of your heart has changed for the things of the Lord
- Publicly professed Christ
- baptism as new covenant sign
- OT: ethnic birth
- NT: new spiritual birth
- external action/response of an internal change
- Eagerly share Christ
- household conversions seen more and more at that time (Cornelius, Lydia…)
- you don’t need to know/have all the theology and answers BUT you need to be able to share/explain how God has worked in us
- Passionately display Christ
- hospitality is how we express the Gospel
- Rom 12; contribute to the needs of others
- Heb 13:2
- 1 Pet 4:9
- Publicly professed Christ
- evidence of change: desires of your heart has changed for the things of the Lord
- as God opened Lydia’s heart, she opened her home and hands
- Lydia became one of the main supporters of the Philippian church
- Lydia’s respond to the saving work