- Acts 13:1-12
- fighting against being stagnant; the Gospel is always meant to move forward
- The Mandate: Be A Pursuing Church (v1-3)
- must be spirit-filled/controlled/led church, seeking and knowing the will of God, be given over to spirit of God
- walk consistently in God’s commands
- hearts given over to will of God; v1: led by those consumed by will of God
- Simeon (and probably Lucius) was black or dark-skinned, demonstrating how there should not be any class/racial barriers in the church or church leadership
- these 5 men of the will of God were prophets and teachers
- prophets because they convey God’s revelation to people
- teachers: indicate central importance of will of God to church and teach application (Eph 2)
- v3: church affirms patiently; doesn’t rush into things/action
- laying of hands = affirmation of God’s calling
- not all will be called to go out, but all are called to participate
- must be spirit-filled/controlled/led church, seeking and knowing the will of God, be given over to spirit of God
- The Ministry: Be A Proclaiming Church (v4-7)
- primary focus is proclamation of Jesus through Gospel
- social justice and relief is good, but insufficient alone
- purpose of missions trip isn’t to have a vacation or become cultured, it’s to live advancement and proclamation of Gospel!
- there is no standing still in the Gospel
- you’re either moving backward or forward; if you think you’re standing still, you’re backsliding
- we are often too passive; we need to be more active!
- Plan! Plan! Plan!
- main point of plan is TO GO; what is your’s? What will God do through you this year?
- The 5’s plan:
- Went as a team
- strength and encouragement in numbers
- Went to cities
- the Paretto 80/20 rule, lol
- Preached to Jews first then the Gentiles
- Went as a team
- v6-7: opportunity from God through faithfulness
- primary focus is proclamation of Jesus through Gospel
- The Mission: Be A Powerful Church (v8-12)
- we always enter the warzone to fight for the Gospel
- as our opportunities multiply, so will the threats/struggles/attacks
- 1 Tim 4:1; a lot of times people reject because they’re faced/affected by spiritual abuse
- Bar-Jesus power can’t compare to that of the true power of God
- the light of the Lord shines forth and prevails
- v12: power of Lord overtakes the power of the world
- God isn’t going to send you THERE if you don’t care HERE, but nothing will stop the Gospel from moving forward
- we always enter the warzone to fight for the Gospel