
Learning to Think Biblically About Marriage

  1. The World’s Perspective (Heb 13:4)
    • honour: valued, precious
      • confronts:
        1. asceticism: “sex is bad”
        2. abhorrence toward marriage: “sex is good, marriage is hindrance in life”
      • the world no longer sees marriage as good
      • Tim Keller, “…maybe the world has misconception of purpose of marriage…”
    • self-centred marriage vs God-serving marriage; marriage is not about happiness
      • healthy marriage may lead to happy marriage but your spouse is not Jesus
        • only God can be the source of happiness
  2. The Biblical Paradigm (Gen 2:15-24)
    • marriage transcends culture and comes from God
    • marriage is sacrificial good for the other; covenant relationship
      • v24: hold fast (cleave); lives being cemented together “uniting through covenant”
    • covenant has rights, responsibilities…always the means by which God relates to humanity
    • the ring:
      1. circle: continuous and everlasting with spouse and God
      2. precious [metal]:
      3. given to another person: given to spouse and to God
    • Mal 2:14; Prov 2:17
    • there are vertical and horizontal aspects to marriage
    • relationship is not just based on emotion
      • covenant relationship is the bind
    • Bible measures love not by how much you receive but rather what you can give
      • when people disparage by saying marriage is “just a paper” they are focusing on self
    • Adam and Eve didn’t have mom and dad BUT God is setting standard for everyone else
      1. Marriage is here for us to enjoy deep friendship
        • “not good for man to be alone” WHY? Gen 1:26; The relational nature of God
          • made in the image of God; God is relational, therefore man should be also
          • we are created for community, and marriage is one way
        • marriage is the epitome of “to know and be known”; Prov 17:17
          • look for your best friend, not a strictly physical attraction
          • “cultivate a life together, completely”
      2. To share meaningful intimacy (v25)
        • points to the sexuality that God created to be beautiful
        • the transparency and openness in your relationship at all times
      3. Pursue a common mission (v15)
        • Adam couldn’t do it alone, he needed a helper
        • suitable helper = partner, someone you trust in common calling in mission
        • means to an end; seek first the kingdom of God!
      4. Establish structure for family
  3. The Gospel Picture (Eph 5:32)
    • the Gospel fixes marriage, and marriage points to the Gospel
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