The Call To Communion
The Truth of the Gospel in an Action
Matt 26:14-30
- act of communion as act of worship; why are we so consumed with self preservation/help/advancement?
- if you’re tempted to give God a bad rap, check out the passage we are studying today…
- What is the call to communion all about? OR what is Christ like?
- Communion is the centrepiece of Good News!
- The call to communion is…
- Making arrangements for the grossly undeserving
- Matt 26:14-16; Mt 26:21, Mt 26:28
- all of the epistles make a point to show that Judas betrays
- remember this is during Passover, when it is supposed to be celebration for all things done for people
- encouragement that God would deliver, save…
- Judas was “celebrating” while being disappointed with God
- Judas expects Jesus to overthrow the Roman empire and remove Romans from them…
- though the whole atmosphere was charged with glory of God’s gracious deliverance of Israel, the stink in the room is raw betrayal
- “Those who wait upon the Lord will renews their strength…” (Isa 40:31)
- Judas obviously jumped the gun
- the Lord has not come to save us from our rotten situations, but rather to save us from our sinful selves!
- Jesus extending offer to be forgiven…
- why Mt 26:21?? Look at point 2
- For those grateful for forgiveness, amazed @ grace, in need of forgiveness and the accompanying humility that leads to honesty
- “Surely not I, Lord”…but ALL the disciples had actually betrayed (or will betray) in their heart (“…maybe it is me…?”)
- all are capable of destroying; always have opportunity to self examine and return (“joy comes after the mourning”)
- contrast between those who really worried and he who wasn’t
- “Surely not I, Lord” VS “Surely not I, rabbai” (v25)
- true contrite heart vs intellectual view of salvation/God
- “…Excluded is only he who doesn’t desire grace…” <get rest of quote> – Luther
- we see Judas’ heart in v15 “what are you willing to give me?”
- Lord’s table provides ceremony whereby repentant faithful can respond to truth as act of worship
- Commemorating Christ’s body as a substitute for my betrayal – the grace of invitation
- the heart of the Gospel: we are all receivers!
- communion is a call to obedience – to obey first the invitation to receive (Eph 2:2-3)
- forgiveness received is the divine medicine for every soul – without which there can be no fellowship with God, others or even consciene
- you don’t need to clean up your life first and then receive…RECEIVE IT DAMMIT.
- Ceremonially enjoy by special divine invitation what you’re to enjoy continually – the real presence of Christ
- Jer 31:31-34
- ritual based on reality is GREAT
- remember the covenant and what it is!
- “You sin, I die; you repent, I will forgive; you run away, I will chase you and call you to your return”
- the law has gone INSIDE, to be a personal relationship, changing you from the in (Jer as referenced)
- Reminder of our tremendous cleansing needs until the greatest celebration of all
- disciples couldn’t even pray with Jesus…and by end of the night Peter rejected 3x
- every time we eat and drink together, it’s about grace surrounded by sin
- Brumer, “…we have been living too long on slim rations of careerism…” <get rest of quote>