God-Speak or Made-Up Stories?
2 Peter 1:12 – 3:3
- what do you look for in a church? what leads you to a certain one?
- in Timothy, we saw false teachers teaching what people WANTED to hear (and would not be biblically correct)
- so who is teaching you the right things?
- orthodoxy: straight teachings
- orthoproxy: straight practice
Important tips for knowing the difference between God-speak and man-made stuff…
- look for confident commitment to the origin, authenticity and importance of the revealed words from God (2 Peter 1:4,16-21)
- Emergent Evangelical churches = social liberalism
- “I don’t know about Creation, Salvation, Hell, etc.”
- work of devil is to deter us from confidence in God’s words (ie. Did God really say that?)
- can’t have actions without knowledge of Christ and bible
- so many afraid of Absolute, let alone ancient absolute
- Emergent Evangelical churches = social liberalism
- Look for interpretation of Scripture that is rarely novel and not privately derived (2 Peter 1:20-21)
- prophecy not derived from one’s interpretations
- Look for teaching that sets you free to serve God and be changed by Him, rather than being set loose to leave Him (2 Pet 2:1)
- destructive heresies removing full trust in God (and places trust in self), removes sovereignty of Jesus
- “lets remove all boundaries and just focus on Jesus; He’ll forgive me even if what I’m doing is wrong, right?”
- who or what owns you? what dictates what you do?
- destructive heresies removing full trust in God (and places trust in self), removes sovereignty of Jesus
- Look to avoid teaching that sets you up for self-righteousness (2 Peter 2:2-3)
- ie. Word of Faith movement??
- greedy; want ownership of own lives
- many intentionally sanitize the self-centeredness of pain relief so it can be the ultimate Christian quest because God has advertised his judgment in the past concerning these things (2 Peter 2:4-10)
- look carefully at life of the teacher (2 Peter 2:11-19)
- ultimately what you are is what you live