Christianity Life

TJCAC 2009 Winter Retreat

There’s always a problem with retroactively typing these notes, and that is retention. These are notes from the Saturday and Sunday sessions (2-4?) of Jeff MacMillan at TJCAC’s 2009 Winter Retreat, and frankly I don’t remember that much from it. I should probably study over my notes from more recent sermons too…

The theme was tied to Jaffray’s “Maturing and Equipping in Christ” theme, and the topics discussed (as described by Jeff himself) were:

1. The Victorious Defeat: Matthew 27:50-54
– here we will look at the idea that God is so big that he was able to win our salvation out of what looked like defeat in the eyes of the world
2. Omni III – Psalm 8
– here we will look at aspects of God’s character and how they relate to life
3. Mission Unimpossible – Matthew 28:16-20
– a popular and much used passage, but a crucial one nonetheless – a reminder that the church is called to service
4. Sticking it Out – James 1:24
an examination of the importance of perseverance in the midst of trials and suffering for our maturity in the faith


5/2/2010 Sunday Kerygma

I don’t remember where I put the previous Kerygma notes…too bad (for me)?

Cain, Abel & Seth: A Genealogy of Mortal Men

Gen 4, 5

Christianity Life

5/2/2010 Sunday

Yesterday, I was contemplating not getting out of bed because I had a sore and swollen throat. Of course, you know now that I did get out, because if I didn’t you wouldn’t have notes to read! But these notes are a day late because I had body aches, headaches, sore&swollen throat and a slight fever after lunch. Yay.

What to Value When All is Said and Done

1 Thessalonians 2:1-20