I don’t remember where I put the previous Kerygma notes…too bad (for me)?
Cain, Abel & Seth: A Genealogy of Mortal Men
Gen 4, 5
- Eve says… “with the help of the Lord, I have brought forth a man”
- laws of life = mechanism, but God is still in control!
- laws of physics, thermodynamics, gravity…is God contained within these laws which He created and allow to exist? No, God is beyond these laws
- Cain gave some of first fruit, Abel gave full first fruit
- lack of desire and reverence in Cain; minimal sacrifice
- giving your best and first is like giving your life; you are sacrificing what you could be having with full trust in God
- but do we do things and expect things in return?
- are we Cain or Abel? do we let “let downs” anger us?
- there should not be such thing as “let down” when we give up what does not belong to us
- Abel (in Hebrew) = “meaningless”
- same as in Ecc; “everything is MEANINGLESS“
- Cain…committed the first premeditated murder
- “sin is crouching at your door”
- refusal to confess; similar but so very different from Adam
- ie. “Where are you?”
- the mending of the relationship between God and human in Gen 3 was destroyed by Cain (Gen 3:10)
- Lamech…has the “little man complex”; celebrating the sin of Cain!?
- Numbers 14:18
- God’s mercy is in the line of Seth
- Mortality = Gen 5
- Methusalah lived to 969 years…did he die in the flood, just before the flood or was he spared from the flood?
- Look at the lineage mentioned, and do the math!
- The Hope: heaven? Is it even mentioned in Genesis?
- Enoch’s ascension after 365 years; the good die young?
- Abel NOT meaningless in Heb 11