Christianity Life

4/2/2010 Friday

I think this was my first Good Friday service at a church other than Jaffray, as part of my more occasional attendance at Calvary Baptist. There wasn’t a massive sermon, but I still managed to make notes?

1 Peter 1:13-25, 2:21-end

  • “to this you have been called”
    • we must suffer w/ this world as Christians because Christ suffered blamelessly for us
  • Consider this:
    • it was illegal to hold court during Sabbath…let alone during Passover
    • was illegal to have trial at night
    • sentence could not be given on same day
    • was required to have some sort of acquittal possible
    • original claim for trial was blasphemy…but was changed to treason to take it to Pilate
  • Considering the above…the Sanhedrin were unjust toward Jesus, yet Jesus did not make threats, fight back, or remove their existence
    • entrusted self “to the one who judges justly
  • Jesus’ death brings salvation, hope, forgiveness, redemption, etc… and healing (Pet 2:24)
    • from the hurts of our past
    • from our diseased desires
  • when we let go of out dirt, His wounds are justified
  • live on the basis of His hurt, not our own
    • people are living on platform of own hurt, heaping it onto others, resulting in a hurting society
  • embrace your healing, reflect it onto others; help lead others to the Healer
  • Christ enables us to do just this…
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Jaffray’s Friday service focused on the will of God vs. the will of man in reference to Jesus asking God if there was another way @ Gethsemane

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