
3/21/2010 Sunday

After a while of being complacent and lazy…I went to Calvary again. It kind of helps that I almost got into a multiple car pile-up at 120km/h on Friday night…that shit is scary. I was already feeling icky with myself with regards to skipping out, and that was just a mini-wake up.

Anyway…here are the goods from today’s sermon by Pastor Rick Baker.

Media Music UOIT

EWB Acoustic Cafe 2010 preview

Luke Gregory and I practiced a bit more today for the EWB/DPS Acoustic Cafe happening on Thursday afternoon, and we even recorded a couple previews. We were practicing…so, there’s a few hiccups we’re working on, aside from actual hiccups.

NIN/Johnny Cash – Hurt

Deep Purple – Soldier of Fortune

EWB Acoustic Cafe
Thursday, March 18 5-8pm
UB Atrium
Tunes, free fair trade coffee/chocolate, poetry.


Comical Conversations #11

Today I volunteered with 2 others at an EWB “Water for the World” workshop which was part of National Engineering Month and in conjunction with the Toronto Public Library network. We were at Gerrard-Ashdale today, and hosted Duke of Connaught’s grade 7 students, who were very bright and seemed to enjoy the presentation a lot!


For the water filter activity, there are some really important elements required, such as a rubber band to hold the cheesecloth in place. Monopoly money was used.

Tommy: …
Monica: You need to buy a rubber band.
Tommy: How much is it?
Monica: $5
Tommy: Yo, she’s hustlin’ us!…


This isn’t much of a “comical conversation” but more of a “That cop is awesome! Woot!”. Monica’s parking was only paid until 3…we left after that.

*leaves library*
*sees cop writing up her car*
Monica: Oh noesssssss
Cop: Well, can you pay for the time that you needed?
Monica: DEFINITELY. Thankssssss
*pays and gives cop receipt*

Thanks again, Mr. Police Officer…you are both fair and awesome, amongst many other positive traits.