
Comical Conversations #12

This evening, I had a good random chat about girls with my friend Candace. It all started because of Boxxy. Boxxy is a cute girl…but she’s bat-shit crazy, most likely. Hit the jump for the comical conv 🙂

Girls: You need one.

(7:44 PM) C: what’s boxxy?
(7:44 PM) A: boxxy is cute
that’s what
(7:44 PM) A: also batsheit crazy
(7:45 PM) C: :S
I think you’ve gone mad
(7:47 PM) A: most probable, haha
(7:48 PM) C: I think you need May to come sooner
(7:48 PM) A: May is sexy…mmm
(7:48 PM) A: sometimes she has a little too much eyeliner
(7:49 PM) A: but
May…such a troublemaker.
(7:49 PM) C: Have you been drinking?
(7:51 PM) A: no
(7:53 PM) A: the month of May never occurred to me, lol
i was tihnking about girls
(7:55 PM) C: Really, maybe you need one? lmao
(7:55 PM) A: yeah.
(7:56 PM) C: Perhaps a trouble maker named May? Apparently you like the bad girls
(7:56 PM) A: lol
(7:56 PM) A: don’t get started with April and June
(7:57 PM) A: XD
(7:58 PM) C: April is the sexiest, for sure
(7:58 PM) A: April makes me think of redheads,haha
(7:58 PM) A: (ie. April is a redhead)
(7:59 PM) A: June seems more like…a blonde?
(8:00 PM) C: Or a prude
(8:00 PM) A: lol
June, or April?
(8:03 PM) C: June
(8:03 PM) A: haha
(8:03 PM) C: How about Wednesday?
She’s the most flexible
(8:03 PM) A: Wednesday seems like a breath of fresh-air too
(8:03 PM) C: I could use a good dose of Wednesday
(8:03 PM) A: brings a smile to me
(8:04 PM) C: hahahaaha
a pleasurable smile
(8:04 PM) A: exactly!

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