Life random Woot

Resistance, An Engineer’s Perspective

Here’s my little nerdy moment applying my “knowledge”…

According to Muse/Matt Bellamy in their/his song “The Resistance“,

Love is our resistance, they’ll keep us apart
And they won’t stop breaking us down

Now, lets analyze this from an electrical engineering perspective!

We denote resistance as R. If we have:

subsequently R = love, and we know that from rearranging Ohm’s Law we will get:

where V is voltage and I is current.

Now, what can V and I be? In a traditional electrical system, voltage is also known as electric potential, so lets say V in the scenario of a relationship will represent the potential (ie. attraction?) between 2 people (relationship can be committed, basic friendship, etc.).

What about I? Traditionally, current is the flow of electrons in an electrical system (akin to the flow of water in a river…which is the analogy we are usually taught). In a relationship sense, we can probably say current can be represented as the flow of affection/information/whatever within the relationship. Or, in more simpler terms…communication.

Tying all this together, we then get:

From some more “basics” of electrical analysis, we know that if:

subsequently we will get:

(I would have R = infinity, but I think math buffs would be on my case?)

Now, when the above cases occur, we will have an open circuit, similar to real-life relationships I think. If an open circuit in an electric circuit perspective represents a broken circuit, is it safe for us to say an open circuit in a relational perspective represents a broken relationship?

This is where my nerdy moment starts to fall apart! How is it possible to have


Of course, I can just turn the tables and say Matt Bellamy violated Ohm’s Law, and not admit that my little nerdy adventure just fell flat on its face and also that he never intended for this type of analysis to occur. Also, maybe Bellamy just wrote a moment from Romeo and Juliet, or some other situation where the love of 2 people acts as a resistance to the forces that oppose and try to destroy their forbidden love. Probably. No, he’s just a heretic to the holy Ohm’s Law.

This was fun! and most likely completely incorrect. 🙂

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Carl Wong

You were correct when you avoided setting R = infinity, but then fell back far from grace when you set R = Love = infinity just shortly thereafter. I cannot bear to look at you right now, I am so indignant. Also, dividing by zero is undefined. Dividing by 0+ or 0- approaches +/- infinity. Therefore, perhaps a relationship without communication is merely difficult to define, rather than infinite in value/love.

Tim Ng

sure sounds like a uwccf bible study in here

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