Christianity Life

2/7/2010 Sunday

Today I finally had the opportunity to go and hear Chris Yu speak at Hallelujah Chinese Evangelical Free Church. If you know me and my story, I hold Chris in high regard, as it was through his sermon at TC03 the Lord was revealed to me and I was saved.

I had a great time hearing God’s Word, worshiping with bros&sis at HCEFC and praying with them, as well as observing how things are done differently (or not so differently) at another church! This is probably no benefit to you, but here’s a list of people I met (and sorry if I misspelled any of their names): Kristy (gr12; future life-sci student), Isabelle (Blue Mountain Friday snowboarder), Lillian (artsy?), Dennis (TC05 planning committee person; guitar), Gary (bassist; looks a little like Derrick Fung), Anna (worship leader), Michelle (Queen’s; Jen’s female best friend), Imelda (Kristen’s school friend), Richard (The Adult That Went To High School In Oshawa), Rohanda (looks a little like Carmen Chan from high school), Ellen (guitarist), Heidi (female vox), Pastor Derek (down to earth prayers, friendly attitude), Pastor Emily (spelled my name).

Since Sunday school occurred first, I’ll put my notes from that first!

Sunday school

Psalm 61

  • higher rock, collective vision
  • can’t change self; only God can change you
    • BUT you must desire change
    • all change starts w/ prayer
  • getting to higher place but then plateau…need God’s help to elevate!
  • What would happen if the Psalmist doesn’t cry out to God to take him higher? what would prevent him from doing so?
  • must PRAISE Him after change occurs
  • how is your walk reflective of Psalmist’s words?
  • What words do you use to describe God? Why do you NOT use some of the words found in the Psalm?
  • Mark 9: “Lord help me w/ my disbelief…”
  • Dennis’ program:
    • light source (God) behind us while we face the wall; our shadow is our sin
    • while facing the wall, step back closer to the light; our shadow grows as we go closer to God with our backs turned
    • look AT the light; when we solely focus on God, can’t see the largeness and shame of our sin

Sermon: “Be The Change: Emus or Eagles”

Isaiah 40:26-31

  • eagles…everywhere in Bible as majesty, honourable…
  • vs emus; made decision to stay Earth-bound, not fly?
    • as Christians…we have danger and reality of eventually just going through the motions (hrmm…Matthew West – The Motions) and get stuck on the ground…
    • where is our FAITH?
    • God saved us (as emus) and allows us to change (through Jesus) to be eagles; flapping our wings to fly
    • …but we can lose our ability to fly (being complacent, falling back to old self)
  • v26: this verse itself is a shift (wrt v1-25); “LOOK UP AT GOD, BUDDY.”
    • God is completely in control, and completely powerful
    • tension of trusting, seeing and believing in God
  • v28-31: “those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength”
    • God is in control and will give strength to breakthrough
  • change is a choice you must make
    • Why live low and plain/dead like an emu when can live high, free and alive like an eagle?
  • its not that we’ve never known how to fly; we KNOW; we just forget
  • set God focused goals; change what you do; start dreaming big (Rick’s GOBIG?); don’t let the wrongs of the past hinder your future
  • What do you want to be? What kind of community? Where to go?
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chris was who shared Sycamore testimony to me in 2003 Media, and I shared it with you’s at ’06!! (:
everything goes full-circle, haha.

Joanne Ho

Hey! that’s my church! didn’t know you visited 🙂
Anyways, quick google search of my church name found this post

– Joanne


That’s pretty cool how my blog showed up! I’m pretty sure I visited during a
time you were undoubtedly studying hard in Ze London 🙂 I also showed up for
the Haiti/Settlers fundraiser Dennis pulled together.

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