For the past 3 or 4 years, I’ve been contemplating recording a Christmas album…and each year I either lost my steam or became too busy with school work. Therefore its ironic that I am able to put this out here in spite of all the projects that are due. Nonetheless, this is my gift to you all: my feeble attempt at compiling a few songs that hopefully captures the Christmas spirit. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I really hope you will try to enjoy the music.
The README (txt) has a bunch of other quirky things to note, like giving due credit to Steve Fee (All Creation Sing), Matt Thiessen (I Celebrate The Day) and Sufjan Stevens (Sister Winter) (please DON’T sue me), as well as some special thank-you’s to humans.
…and yes, the quality isn’t kick-ass, melt-your-face awesome (44.1kHz, 192kb/s, and plenty of hiss and random anomalies). I really should find an SM58 sometime (; Enough talking from me…stream/download, [hopefully] enjoy, and Merry Christmas! Please feel free to leave (constructive) comments/feedback/critique — its the only way I’ll make things better (note: telling me to give up and never sing again isn’t constructive ;)).
Oh, one last note…if you know me personally and really, really, REALLY want a printed CD (I’ve never made those before!), let me know somehow. If there’s enough interest, I’ll try pressing ’em 🙂 Hopefully they’d look better than they sound (hahaha)?
PC users: Right-click “Download” and choose “Save-As” for individual tracks.
Full album ZIP available too.
- All Creation Sing (Joy To The World); written by Steve Fee
2. O Come, O Come Emmanuel
3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
4. I Celebrate the Day; written by Matt Thiessen of Relient K
5. The First Noel
6. O Holy Night
7. O Come All Ye Faithful
8. Go Tell It On the Mountain
9. Sister Winter; written by Sufjan Stevens
10. Bonus: Go Tell It To…Snap
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Adwin Lam, Adwin Lam. Adwin Lam said: The countdown is over. Here's my [somewhat badly made] Christmas album, "My 21st Christmas". Enjoy! http://tinyurl.com/ybq48rv […]
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by Addonelam: The countdown is over. Here’s my [somewhat badly made] Christmas album, “My 21st Christmas”. Enjoy! http://tinyurl.com/ybq48rv…