Hello World, 2019; it’s been a while since I’ve completed an original song.
I just finished reading Paul Tripp’s “Suffering”, and it was an eye-opener on how we experience suffering and how we can grow and rejoice through it. In the final chapter of the book, we are reminded of Paul’s struggle in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, in which he refers to his suffering as a light momentary affliction. And such is the truth that we suffer for only a moment, for we have victory and hope over suffering because of the redeeming work of the Cross!
Go past the jump for the lyrics and hear/download the song.
This Light Momentary Affliction
Adwin Lam (2019)
References: 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Midnight; a new year bursts forth into existence.
I reach for your hand, look for your eyes; nothing.
How long have you gone? (I remember.)
How dark and alone? (I feel it.)
Waves of despair, rising up from the sea.
This light momentary affliction, this earthly temporal pain.
Reminds us of the fallen condition, reminds us You'll be back again.
Paralyzed; stuck in this moment of coldness.
Immobilized; heart cold and grave as a stone.
Where is my Hope? (It's here.)
Where are You now? (I'M here.)
Victory and Hope, washing over me.
I've been delivered from such deadly peril.
On Him, is my hope of deliverance again.
Open my eyes to see the unseen.
This light momentary affliction...